a copy of a copy

thought mashups from garret shelsta

Combining thoughts copied from other places

Director of grow students at stuff you can use

Bellingham, Wa

Page 47: So Are You ready?

[If you want to know how and why this devotional came into existence feel free to read this]

What you will need:

(Here is the week 1, week 2,  week 3,  week 4week 5week 6 and week 7 sheets if you want them)

Theme: Praise and Repentance

Passage for April 16th: John 20:1-18

Bars from “Blessings (Reprise)”

I made it through, 
made it through, made it through
And everything I gave to you, 
I gave to you, I gave to you
You got it, you got it, you got it, it's coming (Coming, coming, coming)
So are you ready?
Are you ready?
Are you ready for your blessings?
Are you ready for your miracle?


A Thought: 

Christ has Risen. 

Today is the day we look back to celebrate that Christ defeated death and robbed the grave. 

I love the imagery from John’s gospel about Christ’s resurrection. Mary mistakes him for a gardener. This completes a theme in the Gospel of John that is birthed in the opening lines of the letter. The word became flesh and entered the world. That same eternal word who created all things is now reshaping the a new possible world. The God who began as a gardener at the inception of the world is back to gardening the new creation. He is reshaping each and everyone one of as and the very world that we live. 

This is all God’s doing. We did nothing to help Jesus raise from the grave, but we did help in putting him in his tomb. This is why it is such a beautiful and wonderful gift that God in Jesus invites us to to participate in the Resurrection life he made possible in Jesus. Even though we don’t deserve it and did nothing to earn it, we are invited to rejoin Jesus into our original vocation; we were always intend to be the gardeners of the world. And even though we are coming to the end of our devotional, the resurrection actually marks the beginning of a a new life, a new way of being human made possible by Jesus. 

This new life is given to us because Jesus made it through death by giving us everything and defeating death.
This new life is the blessing. 
This new life is the miracle.

Mediation: Colossians 3:1-4

So as you contemplate this day that Jesus defeat sin and death,  meditated on this passage slowly and deliberately today asking God to show you the new life he is offering to you. Lock in on a phrase or a word that seems to be sticking out to you. As you color today, ask God why this phrase sticking out to you. Listen to what he is saying in response. Listen to what Jesus is inviting you into and the new life he is offering to you. Take a moment and write down what it means for Jesus to invite you into the resurrection life. Feel free to share a picture of your coloring page and any thoughts that Jesus has been revealing to you in this time.