a copy of a copy

thought mashups from garret shelsta

Combining thoughts copied from other places

Director of grow students at stuff you can use

Bellingham, Wa

Day 43: This Water is Deep

[If you want to know how and why this devotional came into existence feel free to read this]

What you will need:

(Here is the week 1, week 2,  week 3,  week 4week 5 and week 6 sheets if you want them)

Theme: Praise and Repentance

Passage for April 12th: John 4:7-15

Bars from “Finish Line”

This thirst in my soul
Where else can I go?
For you
I may cry a river
I may cry a thousand tears
But you take each drop and you wash
You wash me new
Me new
This water is deep
Yes and I need you to
Jesus rescue me
Come on, I need you to
Take me to your mountain


A Thought: 

Water as a metaphor in the scripture is fluid (please forgive the pun). It changes depending on the context. In Genesis , it represents a chaos that God is giving shape. In the story of Noah, it is a tool of God’s judgment. In the law code, it is an agent of cleansing. When we are baptized, water is a marker God’s new life made available to us in Jesus. For the disciples in the boat, water was their impending doom. For the Samaritan woman at the well, water became an object lesson to help her see that Jesus is the satisfaction of her every longing. 

The simplistic part of me wants the metaphor to mean just one thing. The scriptures, however, are profoundly more nuanced and multifaceted than my reductions. The symbol and metaphor is as diverse as the community of people reading the scriptures; it is as manifold as each of our lives. Like Jesus, the metaphor can relate and resonate with us on multiple levels and in multiple circumstances. 

This Holy Week, Jesus is going to experience every interpretation of what water means as a symbol. He is going experience chaos, judgement, immanent danger, death and new life. He is going to cleanse each and everyone of us by becoming the living water of the resurrection. It is a moment where many images converge. With Jesus as the center, the beauty of Holy Weeis that it is a continual well of meaning and life for the world. So, lets allow it to continue and prepare our hearts for the cross and resurrection.

Here is the question I am contemplating today: What version of “water” is resonating with me today? In what way does Jesus play a part? Is he rescuing me? Washing me Clean? Quenching my thirst? 

Mediation: Psalm 70

So as you prepare for Jesus last days read the meditation passage slowly and deliberately today asking God to prepare you heart for Jesus last days. Lock in on a phrase or a word that seems to be sticking out to you. As you color today, ask God why is this phrase sticking out to you. Listen to what he is saying in response.