a copy of a copy

thought mashups from garret shelsta

Combining thoughts copied from other places

Director of grow students at stuff you can use

Bellingham, Wa

Day 29: I Used to Hide From God

[If you want to know how and why this devotional came into existence feel free to read this]

What you will need:

(Here is the week 1, week 2,  week 3 and week 4 sheets if you want them)

Theme:  Healing the Wounds of the Broken Hearted

Passage for March 29th 2017: Luke 15:11-24

Bars from “How Great”

I used to hide from God
Ducked down in the slums like “shhh"

A Thought:

I grew up in Colorado but I went to college in Southern California. The end of every school year was always a gauntlet. Not only did I have finals to take, but every year I had to move my belonging out of my apartment and into a storage facility for the few months I was home. Between pulling a series of all nighters to get ready for finals, taking them, bidding good well to friends and moving out my apartment, my mental and physical capacities were drained. I then had to get into my car and make the 15 hour drive from Los Angels back to Denver. Looking back at how exhausted I was that was probably not the best decision. However, the experience of falling into my house where my family was waiting to embrace me, where there was a hot meal not prepared in a cafeteria, and old friends waiting to catch up is, to this day, one of the most memorable feelings I have yet to replicate. This experience of belonging, being known, acceptance and “home”  was all enhanced by the exhaustion. I could rest. 

I imagine this was just a portion of the emotions the younger son was feeling. Even after he essentially told His father that he wished he was dead and then squandered all of the money he was given, his Father still welcomed him home in the most extravagant fashion. His father brings him under his protection again, gives him his status in the family, and throws him a party where the food is good, the music is loud and the wine is flowing. 

Our heavenly Father will do this for each and every one of us. He wants to bring us into family, give us his protection and throw us an awesome welcome home party. He does this out of his extravagant love for us. As we return, this same love gives us rest, hope and a new future. It does not erase our pasts but it gives us the resources to confront and heal from them. It allows us to be at home and rest, where there is no need for hiding.  

Here are the questions I am thinking about: Do I believe that God will always welcome me home? How does this change how I approach him?

Mediation: Psalm 30:2-3

Read the mediation passage today a few times through. As you read is there a passage or a word the sticks out to you. Meditate on that phrase allowing the Lord to speak to you as you color. What is he saying?