Day #11: A Kingdom of Freedom
[If you want to know how and why this devotional came into existence feel free to read this]
What you will need:
- A Bible
- This Devotional
- Some Coloring Utensils
- And a print out of this awesome coloring sheet designed by Nic Mansfield (Instagram and twitter)(Here is the week #1 sheet)
Theme: Origins
Passage for March 11th 2017: John 3:1-8
Bars from “All We Got”
I don't make songs for free, I make 'em for freedom
Don't believe in kings, believe in the Kingdom
A Thought:
We are citizens of God’s kingdom. Nothing compares in beauty, scope and glory to the rule and reign of God. God has sculpted us from the dust of the earth, and breathed into us God’s gift giving Spirit. We are children and friends of the most high God. However, this doesn’t come without peril. In the crucifixion, evil tried to over power the King and failed. If death wants to delay its inevitable defeat, it is going to do so by undermining those who bear God’s image.
So, these powers parade as an imitation of the one true king. They attempt to grip our lives with familiar names like greed, lust, violence, and deceit. Even powers with with noble aims and pursuits, like careers, educations, economics, political systems, and even our families, when not put in their proper context can work against God’s kingdom. When we live out of and for these powers, no matter how noble, we are not living form our origin, source and creator, but rather we are living a life in bondage. Jesus tells us that the way out of this bondage is to be born again.
As we are born into this new life, we are freed us from these powers and launched into co-working with God toward the restoration of all things. This is the freedom for which we were created. This is the freedom in which everything we have gone through, no matter how painful, can be restored. This is the freedom where every hurt hurled against ourselves and others, can be forgiven. This is the freedom to live out every passion and gift we have been given with a greater purpose than we could have imagined.
The beauty of what God calls us to be is that it is actually a call for us to discover our origins. When we discover where we came from and what we are called to into, we discover a robust and adventure filled life. To quote Chance, a life of making “songs for freedom” and “believing in the kingdom.”
Here is the thought that I am contemplating today: When I look back at my life when it is reaching it close, what are the stories I want to remember? What is the story that others will tell about me?
Mediation: Psalm 146
Today is the last day of this theme. As you read the Psalm today choose a phrase or a verse and focus on it. As you finish your coloring today, ask the Lord what he wants you to take away from this weeks reflections. At the end of your coloring take a moment to write it down on your sheet or in a journal. If you feel up for it, [ost a picture of your finished coloring sheet with a reflection on what God was revealing to you. Post it with #mycoloringbookforhisgreatness so we can follow along in your journey.